Each year, we try to work closely with a local charity and offer them some form of support; financial and otherwise. For the coming year, we are delighted to be in a position to work alongside “Young People and Children First” a small, local charity that support Foster Care Leavers as they transition from being teenagers to being independent adults. The charity ensures that these leavers have all of the necessary building blocks to move forward confidently and positively with their adult lives. Above all, the charity prevents disadvantaged children and young people from being homeless. The charity has 7 commitments:-
- To make a difference to the young disadvantaged children and young adults in West Berkshire.
- To prevent Young Care Leavers being homeless and living on the streets.
- To provide a home for 16 to 25 year olds.
- To establish a development programme tailored for each unique young person, which will give them the building blocks they need to develop into mature, responsible, respectful members of society and can move onto independent living as soon as is possible and right for them.
- To provide not just practical support but emotional and psychological support.
- To bridge that critical gap between Foster Care and independent living so Young People can move positively and uninhibited into adulthood and fulfil their aspirations.
- To treat each young person as a unique individual
We decided to use the money that is usually reserved for Christmas cards, stamps etc and donate it to this worthy cause. It is only a small gesture, but we hope that it makes a difference to Patsy, John, her team of staff & volunteers and crucially the children and young adults they support. We are working with the charity to understand how else we can offer assistance over the course of 2018. If you’d like to read on, their website tells the story really well. www.youngpeopleandchildrenfirst.org.uk
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

About the Author: Mike Starnes
Mike has worked in the IT Industry for over 20 years. If he's not talking technology, he'll be reading, playing football or trying to embarrass his daughters.