We are pleased to announce that FIT has now met all of the criteria to be awarded the Silver Competency for Microsoft’s Azure platform, becoming one of the few UK partners to have achieved this. One of our key goals is to support and advise clients on their adoption of cloud services as part of their overall infrastructure design. Nearly every client we talk to has public cloud forming part of their strategic direction and working through the complexity can be a challenge if you try and do it on your own. The platform is still maturing and so our skills; this competency marks a significant milestone in our own development and investment in this area. Work has already begun on meeting the criteria for the Gold Competency; with several other Engineer’s now going through the required exams.

About the Author: Mike Starnes
Mike has worked in the IT Industry for over 20 years. If he's not talking technology, he'll be reading, playing football or trying to embarrass his daughters.