here. Since making a small donation to the charity in December, we have also been identifying other ways that we can help them either through our in house skillset or simply through will volunteers. So far, we have been able to donate some laptops for the charity to use. Specifically, the laptops will go to the staff that work within the houses that YCAPF run so they can access and update documentation more efficiently as part of their working responsibilities. We have an Engineer on site this week assessing the other IT requirements which include providing the charity with wireless, working with them on their data governance and document sharing policies and a number of other areas. The people that run the charity are genuinely inspiring and its a pleasure to be in a position to support them.

About the Author: Mike Starnes
Mike has worked in the IT Industry for over 20 years. If he's not talking technology, he'll be reading, playing football or trying to embarrass his daughters.